Saturday, February 24, 2007

Big Brother is Watching You. Yes, YOU.

As for spying on us (putting on my tinfoil hat here), I would lean towards them having quantum computers already, and just not telling us. I'm no cryptography expert, but you could also continually expand a cluster of computers for greater computational power even now, but I'm not sure how well decryption of a message could be distributed since context and size do influence a cipher's message, whereas the design principle of distributed computing is to break things up into smaller chunks (divide and conquer) then rejoin them later.
Stay Private, Read here

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Live 25 Hrs in a Day: 61 Tips

You DO have enough time for everything. This is the first thing you need to realize. You feel pressed for time because you misuse it. Do you surf the web or watch TV just because you are bored? When you’re stretched for time, these activities will only worsen the situation. Turn off the TV, shut down the computer, and complete whatever task you are delaying. You definitely need to manage time
Read all the 61 tips here

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The man with the mysterious horn

Saleh Talib Saleh used to dream that he would grow horns on his head. He dismissed them as mere fancy at first, but then, at the ripe old age of 78, a horn did indeed begin to grow on the left side of his head, astonishing his fellow villagers. Saleh, a resident of A’dban district of the Shabwa governorate, claims that the horn started growing over 25 years ago. He has no explanation as to how the horn developed or why. However, a large medical team at the Aden Specialized Hospital believe that the horn was caused by multiplying layers of hardened, dried skin on Saleh’s head.
Read More

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Friday, February 23, 2007

Amazing Touch Screen Interface

Remapping the Universe: In this video, Jeff Han and Phil Davidson demonstrate how a multi-touch driven computer screen will change the way we work and play.

If this is the technology..What do we say!
Goodbye to Mouse and Keyboard? What do you say?


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22 ways to reduce EyeStrain

I know that we spend loads of time sitting in front of this computer screen each day, and that’s just to complete our work, and doesn’t include the hour (on a slow day) that we spend looking up stuff to post on the blog, and some days, eyestrain can be a real headache.

Here’s a list of 22 ways to reduce eyestrain.

Some Basics :

1. Don’t sit too close to the monitor. An arms length away is good.
2. Don’t use a light source behind the monitor. Get a lamp off to the side of the monitor on the desk instead.
3. Get an eye exam - glasses while on the computer may help.
4.Avoid working in a dark room.

I’d strongly reccomend reading the full article, because even if it doesn’t help you, I bet you know someone who it can help.

Read the 22 Ways

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Sunday, February 18, 2007

Securing your Home Wireless Network : A simple security guide

I'm living in a suburb, and 4 of my neighbors emit wireless signals, 2 of them which are completely unsecured. Just imagine how many of them you could pick up if you are living in a big city. People think that wireless connectivity is a dream come true, but most of them ignore the downside of the technology. The problem is that most AP come preconfigured with their security features turned off. A couple of steps have to be taken if you want to enable them. This simple security guide will show you how you can do it.

Change the default administrator password
Most routers or APs requires a default password to get in. Be sure to change it to something else, and it better not be your dog's name. Be warned that most APs default passwords are well known by villains, and can be easily found on the internet. Just try searching google for "linksys router default password", you'll see what I mean.

Turn off SSID broadcasting
First of all, what the heck is an SSID? The SSID (Service Set Identifier) is a sequence of up to 32 letters or numbers that represent the ID of your wireless network. the SSID is broadcasted from your AP to all wireless devices within range to let them know that he's available and ready to receive connections. If you shut off SSID broadcasting, the clients will have to know about the ID of the network if they want to be able to connect to it. Here is my opinion on SSID broadcasting, read it before proceeding with the rest of the article.

Enable MAC filtering
As you probably know, computers can be identified by many kinds of addresses. One of them, the MAC address, which is a unique ID tagged to your network card, can be specified in a list on the AP to prevent people that aren't on there from connecting to the network. MAC addresses can be spoofed, so this measure is not a guarantee of security, but it adds another door to your layered security architecture. To get your MAC address, just click on start->run, and type cmd. When you are at the DOS prompt, type: ipconfig /all, this will display the current configuration of you network card. The MAC address is what ipconfig displays as Physical Address. It consists of six pairs of numbers or letters, as in A6-33-F3-86-BE-04. When you are finished, type exit and you will get back to windows

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What? Vista on XP, but How?

Here's a little something for the 'Cool Uths on UthTrends'!

If you don't want to risk getting Vista so soon after its release but still want to have a taste of what it will look like, look no further. I found a cool installer that changes the Shell in XP to look and act like Vista or Longhorn (take your pick). has created a few themes to give you a glimpse into the future of Windows. These are stand-alone installers and do not interfere the system at all. I have it installed myself, and it really does look sexy!

To get this look, you need to download two items:

Download the Desktop Sidebar from FileForums, and install.
Download your preferred BricoPack from, and install (reboot required).

Once all is said and done, you can customize the 'Desktop Sidebar' and the 'Dock Object' as you see fit. Dosent that look Kool 'n' Sexy

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Best 404 custom error pages

Is there an art of "Custom 404 pages" ?
We definitely think Yes, there is! Here are some people who really think creative and have created some impressive "custom 404 error pages".

Check it out yourself
404 research lab
What do you guys out there think..?

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