KFC a truth or hoax ? PETA's campagin against KFC
"KFC suppliers cram birds into huge waste-filled factories, breed and drug them to grow so large that they can’t even walk, and often break their wings and legs. At slaughter, the birds’ throats are slit and they are dropped into tanks of scalding-hot water—often while they are still conscious. It would be illegal for KFC to abuse dogs, cats, pigs, or cows in these ways.
KFC’s own animal welfare advisors have asked the company to take steps to eliminate these abuses, but KFC refuses to do so. Many advisors have now resigned in frustration."
This is at least what this site KentuckyFriedCruelty says.
To promote we have Pamela Anderson posing her famous skin.Although a lot of Hollywood stars seem to join the campaign.
Watch more videos at KentuckyFriedCruelty.com.
Labels: abuse, anderson, animal, campagin, chicken, kentucky, kfc, pamela, vegetarian