Friday, December 15, 2006

GPS-Endowed pigeons enlist to you like Bloggers pollute

If the pigeons wrote their own ones blogs, could speak about where to notice the bread crumb or to find the points roosting main.
Hour, for means of fagotti high technology many small, the pigeons really have become bloggers-but they are messages of shipment approximately the smog of California.
In a plan known like PigeonBlog, the sensors in the fagotti collect the data on toxic gases, which the carbon monoxide and dioxide of nitrogen, poich� the birds traversano through skies of the city.
The information then are transmitted of new to a calculating center them, that it automatically sendes a program of the concentration of the polluting substances on the Internet.
Avian Reporters
Beatriz da Costa, a university professor of the limbs, the calculation and engineering to the university of California, Irvine, dreammed on the idea.
One of the inspirations for the plan was muovendo towards California and "seeing the smog in L.A., "it has said. "It is enough defective outside here."
"Around at the same time camera around to the relative neck has worked through one photo of one hundred years of a pigeon with one.
"The pigeons were annull one of ours first� arrange of delivery, "Coast of from saying.
It has decided to modernize this idea for ventunesimo the century and "to use the pigeons as journalists in order to signal on a situation put into effect them."

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