Thursday, May 08, 2008

Wow-Now your Vista performance

I tried some of these steps yesterday on my lappy as I wanted Vista on it to perform better. It did work. Here are the tips that you can also try on you vista computers in order to increase performance.

  • Once you boot Vista to the desktop, the sidebar appears, now that really hogs on memory. Right Click on the side bar > got to Properties > Uncheck the forst option there, Load side bar when system boots. If you are really in a fancy of the sidebar you can always bring ot back by typing sidebar in the Run window.
  • Aero Interface- I would recommend not to disable it, because then Vista is no more Vista, it looks crappy. So right click on My Computer > Properties > Advanced System Settings> In system properties, clcik on Advanced tab > Here you can choose let windows decide the best performace, but I chose customize and there you can uncheck the followings- Animate windows when minimizing and maximizing, Fade or Slide menu into views, Fade or Slide Tooltips into View, Fade out menu Items after dicking, Show peview and filters in folders, Show thumbnails insted of icons. Others if you think you don't need them, uncheck. Many sites claim to disable glass(Aero), I dont recommend it, thats what Vista is all about.
  • Update to Service pack 1 (SP1) if you still have not done it (450 MB). If you have a laptop, Microsoft warns you to leaver you lappy plugged to the power jack as it might take longer and requires three reboots.
  • Are you working on 1GB, kindly upgrade it to 2GB for a smooth performance.
  • If you are using SATA disk, click Start > in the search write Device manager and hit enter> in the Device manager window expand Disk Drives > right click on your Hard Drive and select properties > on the policies tab, check Enable Advance Performance > hit Ok and Exit Device manager.
  • Eliminate Unecessary startups> Start > msconfig > startup> uncheck unecessery startup.
  • Defragment your HDD in regular intervals.
  • Install an adequate video card.

These steps will definitely help your Vista perform much better and stabler. If you want detailed informtions please go to this link

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